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Excerpt: "Six city correction officers accused of molesting female visitors at the Manhattan Detention Complex and covering it up, are expected to surrender to prosecutors Monday morning, the Daily News has learned."

The Manhattan Detention Complex in lower Manhattan. (photo: Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images)
The Manhattan Detention Complex in lower Manhattan. (photo: Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images)

Six NYC Correction Officers Expected to Be Charged With Molesting Female Visitors at Manhattan Detention Complex

By Thomas Tracy and Esha Ray, New York Daily News

06 May 19


ix city correction officers accused of molesting female visitors at the Manhattan Detention Complex and covering it up, are expected to surrender to prosecutors Monday morning, the Daily News has learned.

Five officers and one captain, who has since retired, face charges of unlawful imprisonment, illegal strip searches and falsifying documents, according to sources.

According to sources, authorities are alleging that at least one guard molested a woman during a strip search at the Tombs, and the captain and other supervisors covered up the heinous act.

The officers, who sources said are women, are expected to turn themselves in at 8 a.m. Monday.

The Department of Correction told the Daily News it was looking into the allegations.

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