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Moore writes: "The mayor of Newark and the governor of New Jersey are covering up how serious the lead poisoning is in Newark’s water system."

The filmmaker Michael Moore, near a closed factory in Flint, Mich., where his father worked. (photo: Fabrizio Costantini/NYT)
The filmmaker Michael Moore, near a closed factory in Flint, Mich., where his father worked. (photo: Fabrizio Costantini/NYT)

New Jersey's Politicians Are Attempting to Cover Up Newark's Water Crisis

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

02 September 19


he mayor of Newark and the governor of New Jersey are covering up how serious the lead poisoning is in Newark’s water system. We saw the same charade in Flint, Michigan. Please read Dr. Mona’s NYT Op-Ed: “I Helped Expose the Lead Crisis in Flint. Here’s What Other Cities Should Do.” (A personal note: NO AMOUNT OF PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES WILL SAVE NEWARK. It’s a ruse. Lead ingested by children causes irreversible damage. These are majority black cities. That’s all you need to know. Nobody in Grosse Pointe or Bedminster will ever have to face this or line up for water to carry home.)

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