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Krugman writes: "When Donald Trump promised to Make America Great Again, his slogan meant different things to different people."

Economist Paul Krugman. (photo: Forbes)
Economist Paul Krugman. (photo: Forbes)

Manufacturing Ain't Great Again. Why?

By Paul Krugman, The New York Times

02 November 19

The heartland endures another mini-recession.

hen Donald Trump promised to Make America Great Again, his slogan meant different things to different people.

For many supporters it meant restoring the political and social dominance of white people, white men in particular.

For others, however, it meant restoring the kind of economy we had a generation or two ago, which offered lots of manly jobs for manly men: farmers, coal miners, manufacturing workers. So it may matter a lot, politically, that Trump has utterly failed to deliver on that front — and that workers are noticing.

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