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Austen writes: "The Canadian police on Monday began moving against protesters who had set up transportation blockades around the country in sympathy with an Indigenous group's campaign to halt construction of a natural gas pipeline to Canada's West Coast."

Chief Howilhkat, Freda Huson, and her sister Chief Geltiy, Brenda Michell, waiting for the police to enforce an injunction in British Columbia on Saturday. (photo: Amber Bracken/NYT)
Chief Howilhkat, Freda Huson, and her sister Chief Geltiy, Brenda Michell, waiting for the police to enforce an injunction in British Columbia on Saturday. (photo: Amber Bracken/NYT)

ALSO SEE: Thanks to Trump, Keystone XL Is Back. The Anti-Pipeline Movement Is Ready.

Canadian Police Move Against Pipeline Blockades, Arresting Dozens

By Ian Austen, The New York Times

11 February 20

The protesters, lending support to an Indigenous campaign against a natural gas pipeline, brought rail service and ports to a halt.

he Canadian police on Monday began moving against protesters who had set up transportation blockades around the country in sympathy with an Indigenous group’s campaign to halt construction of a natural gas pipeline to Canada’s West Coast.

The blockades affected at least 19,500 rail passengers, according to Via Rail Canada, and 200 freight trains were unable to travel.

By late Monday, more than 47 protesters had been arrested. The nationwide demonstrations had been set off by the recent arrests of 21 protesters at the pipeline construction site itself.

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