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Simpich writes: "Bernie's win in California was an epic win - even more so for an American socialist."

Bernie Sanders, left, and Joe Biden chat before a Democratic presidential debate in Charleston, S.C. (photo: AP)
Bernie Sanders, left, and Joe Biden chat before a Democratic presidential debate in Charleston, S.C. (photo: AP)

The 2020 Race: Sanders Wins Blue States/Biden Wins Red States

By Bill Simpich, Reader Supported News

06 March 20


anders won the blue states – California, Colorado, Vermont, Iowa,
    New Hampshire, Nevada.
Biden won the red states – the Southern states, plus Texas and Oklahoma.
The sort-of-purple states? Biden won Minnesota, Massachusetts
    and probably Maine.
The sort-of-pink states? Sanders won Utah.

What did Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to buy this election win him?
    American Samoa.
What did Elizabeth Warren’s attempt to broker this campaign win her?
    Third place in Massachusetts.
My prediction? Both of them will drop out this week.

What do these results of the last month mean?
I think it means that African Americans may decide this race.
I was canvassing in West Oakland today – every African American I met
    was voting for Bernie.

In South Carolina, that was not the case.
Joe Biden is a good Catholic – he’s a believer, he went to all the churches.
Bernie Sanders is Jewish – he believes in food.
Joe glad-hands all the ministers.
Bernie refuses to bend the knee.

Have you noticed what Bernie says when asked about his spirituality?
He says, “I am who I am.”
For some – that means he’s an atheist.
For others – I am who I am is Yahweh.

That’s why I love Bernie, but it may have cost him.
If he had won South Carolina, this election would be over.
But now we are going to have a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party.
And unlike 2016 – Bernie is now winning diverse American cities.
I can’t wait.

Bernie’s win in California was an epic win – even more so for an
    American socialist.
Los Angeles County alone is larger than all but eleven states.
In Southern California and in south Texas, the lines were sometimes
    several hours long ... for African Americans, Latinos, and students.
Remember the five hour lines in Florida,
Standing in line for Obama?
With yahoos shouting, “Don’t give them water!”
This country knows no shame.

It’s hard to imagine a more minor force in disrupting elections than
    the Russians.
Furthermore, everyone in every country should have a say in
    American elections.
Furthermore, American leaders have disrupted elections on a worldwide
    basis since World War II.
Do you want the list? Do you really need the list? It’s right there
    on Wikipedia.
The major force?
The billionaires, the bought & paid-for election officials, and the
    corporate media.

Every major analyst called Bernie as the winner in California before
    midnight Eastern time.
Except MSNBC and CNN.

I don’t think the path to victory is won by convincing MSNBC,
    CNN, or the voters in Republican states.
But let’s find out.

Bill Simpich is an Oakland attorney who knows that it doesn't have to be like this. He was part of the legal team chosen by Public Justice as Trial Lawyer of the Year in 2003 for winning a jury verdict of 4.4 million in Judi Bari's lawsuit against the FBI and the Oakland police.

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