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Excerpt: "The feminist general strike called in Chile on Monday as part of the celebrations of International Women's Day was repressed by the police of President Sebastian Pinera's government, according to the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH)."

Marchers in Santiago, Chile, flooded the streets as part of International Women's Day marches. Confrontations with police were reported at events in Chile and Turkey and other countries. (photo: Esteban Felix/AP)
Marchers in Santiago, Chile, flooded the streets as part of International Women's Day marches. Confrontations with police were reported at events in Chile and Turkey and other countries. (photo: Esteban Felix/AP)

Chile Denounces Government Repression During Feminist Strike

By teleSUR

10 March 20

Still, nothing stopped the march. At least two million women attended the strike in Santiago de Chile.

he feminist general strike called in Chile on Monday as part of the celebrations of International Women's Day was repressed by the police of President Sebastian Piñera's government, according to the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH).

"Even though this was a peaceful day, which called to defend gender equality, the carabineros (Chilean police) attacked the demonstrators," the  INDH president Sergio Micco told the local press.

"Human Rights observers and the Foreign Press Association said that the 'Carabineros' during the strike maintained an arrogant attitude, and threw pepper gas directly into the eyes of the demonstrators." Micco condemned.

Still, nothing stopped the march. At least two million women attended the strike in Santiago de Chile to "carry on the struggle, to connect, to recognize each other. And it was a beautiful day," the Feminist Coordinator 8M announced in a statement.

"We're historical. There were over 2 million of us. The revolution will either be feminist or it won't be." 

The group "I Approve Chile Digno" also attended the mobilization, and despite the repression, called on the people to vote "Yes" in the constitutional plebiscite to be held on April 26.

Monday's strike was part of the protests that have been shaking the country since October 2019. Its purpose, besides exalting the women of the country and the world, was to demand the end of the government of Sebastián Piñera.

Also, the strike was intended to demand that Chilean working women be included in the constitutional process, Pueblo Libre spokeswoman Victoria Herrera told the local press. your social media marketing partner
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