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Johnson writes: "Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vt.) campaign said Saturday morning that it had raised more than $2 million in the last 48 hours for several charities that are working to combat the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S."

Bernie Sanders speaking to supporters an an election night rally in Manchester, N.H. (photo: Damon Winter/NYT)
Bernie Sanders speaking to supporters an an election night rally in Manchester, N.H. (photo: Damon Winter/NYT)

Bernie Sanders Raises Over $2 Million for Coronavirus Relief Effort

By Marty Johnson, The Hill

22 March 20


en. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vt.) campaign said Saturday morning that it had raised more than $2 million in the last 48 hours for several charities that are working to combat the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.

The money raised will go to No Kid Hungry, One Fair Wage Emergency Fund, Meals on Wheels, Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund and the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the campaign announced.

"What we've seen in the last two days is the definition of fighting for someone you don’t know," Robin Curran, the Sanders campaign's digital fundraising director, said in a statement.

"The people supporting this campaign have made more than 50,000 donations to help those most impacted by coronavirus because they understand that now more than ever it is important that we are in this together," Curran added.

There have been more than 19,600 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. and at least 260 deaths, according to John Hopkins University. your social media marketing partner
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