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Excerpt: "'Another 70 vaccines are in development,' WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added at a press conference."

This syringe was used to inject 250 micrograms of a vaccine researchers hope may be effective against the coronavirus. (photo: Ian Haydon)
This syringe was used to inject 250 micrograms of a vaccine researchers hope may be effective against the coronavirus. (photo: Ian Haydon)

Three COVID-19 Vaccines Are Under Clinical Testing, WHO Confirms

By teleSUR

19 April 20

The UN agency warns that an effective drug will not be available until the spring of 2021.

he World Health Organization (WHO) Thursday announced that there are three vaccines in the process of being clinically tested to see if they are effective in neutralizing COVID-19.

"Another 70 vaccines are in development," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added at a press conference.

Although three vaccines are being tested and dozens are in production, it will not be until the spring of 2021 that an effective drug will be available.

Once a vaccine meets all health standards, the WHO will promote its production and distribution worldwide.

"A WHO-backed project has been launched to exchange data on medical treatments that help to address COVID-19," WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris explained.

An example of this is the Solidarity Programme which was launched in March and involves over 900 patients in hospitals in 90 countries, among which are Argentina, Canada, France, Iran, Spain, and Thailand.

The WHO project uses four types of medicines and their combinations to tackle the virus and its resulting pneumonia. your social media marketing partner
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