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Ross writes: "A friend of George Floyd's who was with him during his fatal encounter with the Minneapolis police has told the New York Times that Floyd in no way resisted arrest."

Protest over the killing of George Floyd. (photo: Terray Sylvester/Reuters)
Protest over the killing of George Floyd. (photo: Terray Sylvester/Reuters)

ALSO SEE: Over 10,000 Arrested, Protests Against Floyd Killing Continue

Key Witness to George Floyd's Death: He Did Not Resist Arrest in Any Way

By Jamie Ross, The Daily Beast

04 June 20


friend of George Floyd’s who was with him during his fatal encounter with the Minneapolis police has told the New York Times that Floyd in no way resisted arrest. “He was, from the beginning, trying in his humblest form to show he was not resisting in no form or way,” said Maurice Lester Hall. “I could hear [Floyd] pleading, ‘Please, officer, what’s all this for?’” Hall recounted. “He was just crying out at that time for anyone to help because he was dying... I’m going to always remember seeing the fear in Floyd’s face because he’s such a king. That’s what sticks with me, seeing a grown man cry, before seeing a grown man die.” Hall, 42, was reportedly arrested Monday on outstanding warrants on felony possession of a firearm, felony domestic assault and felony drug possession. But Hall said, after his arrest, he was questioned for hours by a Minnesota state investigator about Floyd’s death—not about his outstanding warrants.

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