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Moore writes: "Trump has lost none of his base and they are more rabid than ever. Sleeping on the sidewalk for five nights just to get in to see Trump? THAT is commitment. Do not take Trump for granted. Don't think he can't win."

Michael Moore. (photo: Getty Images)
Michael Moore. (photo: Getty Images)

We Can't Risk Anything With This Election

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

21 June 20


Michael Moore below sounds the alarm that Trump’s supporters remain uniquely dedicated, passionate and committed. This piece is reminiscent of his ominous 2016 prediction that Trump could in fact win at that stage too.

However the New York Times is reporting that Trump’s rally in Tulsa actually was a disappointment in terms of turnout. Did Coronavirus fears factor in, or is reality finally catching up with the Trump reality show. It’s hard to say but he was apparently furious. — MA/RSN "

hey started lining up on Tues in Tulsa for Trump’s rally today. 100,000 are expected! Trump has lost none of his base and they are more rabid than ever. Sleeping on the sidewalk for five nights just to get in to see Trump? THAT is commitment. Do not take Trump for granted. Don’t think he can’t win. Don’t get all cocky telling everyone there’s no way he’s winning the White House because, frankly, you sound a lot like yourself four years ago when you told everyone there’s no way this country is going to put a clown in the Oval Office. If you are once again not taking my warnings seriously, then I have a question I want you to answer, and I ask you to answer me honestly:

“How many people would line up for five days just to hear Joe Biden talk?”




The candidate who inspires the most people in the swing states to excitedly get to the polls — and ensure that each of them bring 10-20 of their friends & family w/ them on Election Day — all of them highly-motivated, fired-up, & “on a mission from God” — THAT’S who wins the White House. Don’t think we don’t have a problem here. Don’t get all smug laughing at these Bubbas in Tulsa today & snickering over how many of them are going to come down with Covid-19. They live, eat and breathe Trump — and none of us do that with Joe Biden. We’re counting on Hatred of Trump - not love of Biden - to win the day. Is that how you really think — hate beats love? Like, the more we ply our neighbor’s hatred of Trump, that’s the ticket to win? Because deep down we know there’s no massive, intense love of Joe Biden, no one is all dreamy and jazzy when they think about Joe Biden’s jobs plan, Joe Biden’s health care plan, child care plan, criminal justice plan, income inequality plan — “Mike! Stop! We get it.” Trump’s ppl will pack the polling sites. Our people will, well...well...they’ll be there!

That’s not enough. We’d better figure this out. Biden better get out of the basement. We need to know he’s ok. We need to know what Plan B is. Don’t be afraid to search your own mind about what you’re afraid to ask or say. We can’t risk ANYTHING with this election. Biden has to rock everyone’s world to win. I’m just the messenger. I’ll do my part. your social media marketing partner
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