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Krugman writes: "Last week's Democratic National Convention was mainly about decency - about portraying Joe Biden and his party as good people who will do their best to heal a nation afflicted by a pandemic and a depression."

Economist Paul Krugman. (photo: Forbes)
Economist Paul Krugman. (photo: Forbes)

QAnon Is Trump's Last, Best Chance

By Paul Krugman, The New York Times

25 August 20

The only thing he can hope for is fear itself.

ast week’s Democratic National Convention was mainly about decency — about portraying Joe Biden and his party as good people who will do their best to heal a nation afflicted by a pandemic and a depression. There were plenty of dire warnings about the threat of Trumpism; there was frank acknowledgment of the toll taken by disease and unemployment; but on the whole the message was surprisingly upbeat.

This week’s Republican National Convention, by contrast, however positive its official theme, is going to be QAnon all the way.

I don’t mean that there will be featured speeches claiming that Donald Trump is protecting us from an imaginary cabal of liberal pedophiles, although anything is possible. But it’s safe to predict that the next few days will be filled with QAnon-type warnings about terrible events that aren’t actually happening and evil conspiracies that don’t actually exist.

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