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Excerpt: "When President Trump used the prime-time debate last week to urge his supporters to 'go into the polls and watch very carefully,' he wasn't just issuing a call for a grass-roots movement or raising the prospect of intimidation tactics at voting sites."

A voter drops a ballot at a mail-in ballot drop off box location in Hoboken. (photo: Michael Nagle/Blooberg)
A voter drops a ballot at a mail-in ballot drop off box location in Hoboken. (photo: Michael Nagle/Blooberg)

Inside the Trump Campaign's Strategy to Make Voting a Tooth-and-Nail Fight

By Danny Hakim and Stephanie Saul, The New York Times

10 October 20

The campaign’s focus on Election Day operations has intensified, with aggressive plans for poll monitoring and other tactics that Democrats say are efforts at vote suppression.

hen President Trump used the prime-time debate last week to urge his supporters to “go into the polls and watch very carefully,” he wasn’t just issuing a call for a grass-roots movement or raising the prospect of intimidation tactics at voting sites. He was also nodding to an extensive behind-the-scenes effort led by the lawyers and operatives on his campaign.

Over the summer, Mr. Trump named a new campaign manager, Bill Stepien, who was once a top aide to former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey before being fired amid the “Bridgegate” scandal. Mr. Stepien swiftly elevated a group of lieutenants focused on using aggressive electoral tactics, moves that led Marc E. Elias, the leading election lawyer for the Democratic Party, to tweet that Mr. Trump was “tripling down” on “opposing voting rights.”

One of the main architects of the effort is Justin Clark, whom Mr. Stepien promoted to deputy campaign manager. He has been viewed with suspicion among Democrats since he was recorded last year saying, “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places,” and adding that in 2020 the party would “start playing offense a little bit.”

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