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Woodward writes: "A woman in North Carolina was arrested on Monday after allegedly striking protesters marching against the police killing of Andrew Brown."

Khalil Ferebee, Mr. Brown's son, embraced a woman in front of a memorial to his father in Elizabeth City this month. (photo: Amr Alfiky/NYT)
Khalil Ferebee, Mr. Brown's son, embraced a woman in front of a memorial to his father in Elizabeth City this month. (photo: Amr Alfiky/NYT)

Woman Runs Over Protesters at March Against Police Killing of Andrew Brown

By Alex Woodward, The Independent

25 May 21


woman in North Carolina was arrested on Monday after allegedly striking protesters marching against the police killing of Andrew Brown.

Two Black women who were “peacefully protesting and exercising their constitutional rights” were hospitalised with non-life-threatening injuries, according to the Elizabeth City Police Department.

The suspect, 41-year-old Lisa Michelle O’Quinn, was charged with two felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, one count of careless and reckless driving, and one count of unsafe movement. Police are also considering whether to bring hate crime charges against her.

Her first court appearance is on 27 May.

Daily demonstrations – including Monday’s incident, also on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the policing killing of George Floyd – have continued in the wake of the killing of Mr Brown, who was fatally shot by Pasquotank County sheriff’s deputies on 21 April.

His death and a prosecutor’s decision not to bring charges against the deputies involved in the killing have revived national protests and debate about the lack of prosecutions for police and urgent demands for law enforcement reforms. your social media marketing partner
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