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Excerpt: "One man dead and dozens of citizens injured is the consequence of the violent actions that the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) unleashed against Colombians on Thursday night."

ESMAD riot police unit. (photo: National Police)
ESMAD riot police unit. (photo: National Police)

Colombia's Mobile Anti-Riot Squad Unleashes Another Night of Terror in Cali

By teleSUR

11 June 21

In Bogota, the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad assaulted seven people, five of whom were injured in the head in the Chicala neighborhood.

ne man dead and dozens of citizens injured is the consequence of the violent actions that the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) unleashed against Colombians on Thursday night.

In Cali, citizen Jhon Arenas was shot and killed while driving his car in the Siloe neighborhood. Channel 2 also broadcast testimonies of a health mission member who said that the ESMAD set a young man on fire and then threw him into a pipe.

Outlet El Espectador reported that a nine-year-old girl, who had disappeared several days ago, was found dead with signs of torture in Brisas de Comuneros neighborhood, where she had arrived with her family after fleeing violence in the Nariño department.

In Bogota, the ESMAD assaulted seven people, five of whom were injured in the head in the Chicala neighborhood. In this area of the city, the indiscriminate firing of tear gas wreaked havoc on families who were trapped inside their homes, as reported by Colombia Informa.

The meme says, "An anonymous member of the medical mission at the Andres Sanin neighborhood in Cali (where there was carnage yesterday) reports that the ESMAD would have burned alive a protester before throwing him into the canal. I hope I misunderstood".

Colombian victims of police brutality are waiting for international human rights missions to make a statement on the outrages they investigated.

Since April 28, social organizations have reported over 70 murders and 3,700 cases of police brutality throughout this South American country.

This Friday, students will march from the National University to the Prosecutor's Office in Bogota to demand actions in defense of the citizenry. This will happen when the National Strike reaches 45 consecutive days of protests against President Ivan Duque. your social media marketing partner
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